Monte tre Cali. Day 3

The plan today was to do the “Walk of the Gods” but after I rushed back to get my new Baden Powel style hat that I had left in the room, Tina sat and watched bus loads of folk taking off on that route whilst she enjoyed a coffee.

Quick change of plan. Get up early tomorrow to do the Walk of the Gods route and head for the hills on the Monte tre Cali route today. It was tough going to start with. All up hill for an hour or so on stone pathways and steps. We walked through gardens with tomatoes, aubergines, corn and towering sunflowers.

The route was studded with minature cyclamen, crocus and chicory amongst many other plant, lots of wild thyme and ferns. We made a few friends on the way and looked back at amazing views as we climbed higher, though it was very hazy.

Looking over San Lazarro

As we reached the highest point of our walk, the view into the next valley overlooking Positano was amazing. Sh

t is wonderful being so high up away from civilisation, but we soon had to start heading downhill again.

A clearer picture where you can almost see Capri in the back ground!

Back to civilisation, cute little cars and what looked like a sacrficial table!

Wonderful day but there are going to be some stiff legs and aching bums tomorrow!

Good hair!

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